41 research outputs found

    On the needs and requirements arising from connected and automated driving

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    Future 5G systems have set a goal to support mission-critical Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications and they contribute to an important step towards connected and automated driving. To achieve this goal, the communication technologies should be designed based on a solid understanding of the new V2X applications and the related requirements and challenges. In this regard, we provide a description of the main V2X application categories and their representative use cases selected based on an analysis of the future needs of cooperative and automated driving. We also present a methodology on how to derive the network related requirements from the automotive specific requirements. The methodology can be used to analyze the key requirements of both existing and future V2X use cases

    Organophosphonate bridged anatase mesocrystals: low temperature crystallization, thermal growth and hydrogen photo-evolution

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    The sol-gel co-condensation of organo-phosphonates to titanium alkoxides enables access to novel organic-inorganic hybrids based on phosphonate-bridged titanium dioxide. In this contribution, we bring new perspectives to the long established sol-gel mineralization of titanium alkoxide species, by harnessing the virtues of the well-designed phosphonate-terminated phosphorus dendrimers as reactive amphiphilic nanoreactor, confined medium and cross-linked template to generate discrete crystalline anatase nanoparticles at low temperature (T = 60 degrees C). An accurate investigation on several parameters (dendrimer generation, dendrimer-to-titanium alkoxide ratio, precursor reactivity, temperature, solvent nature, salt effect) allows a correlation between the network condensation, the opening porous framework and the crystalline phase formation. The evolution of the dendrimer skeleton upon heat treatment has been deeply monitored by means of P-31 NMR, XPS and Raman spectroscopy. Increasing the heteroatom content within a titania network provides the driving force for enhancing their photocatalytic water splitting ability for hydrogen production.Brahmi, Y.; Katir, N.; Macia Agullo, JA.; Primo Arnau, AM.; Bousmina, M.; Majoral, J.; García Gómez, H.... (2015). Organophosphonate bridged anatase mesocrystals: low temperature crystallization, thermal growth and hydrogen photo-evolution. Dalton Transactions. 44(35):15544-15556. doi:10.1039/c5dt02367jS1554415556443

    Clustering Schemes for D2D Communications Under Partial/No Network Coverage

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    Device-to-Device (D2D) communication has been proposed to support local services by enabling devices to directly connect to each other when being in proximity. To start direct communications, a device must first discover that other devices are in the proximity and that they are relevant in a certain context (i.e. can offer a specific service). This task becomes particularly challenging in out-of-network coverage.  In this paper, we propose three clustering schemes that assist a device discovery and associating with other devices found relevant in a given context. We compare the efficiency of the proposed approaches in terms of discovery ratio, clustering time and energy consumption and study the tradeoff between these performance metrics that need to be considered when selecting one of the grouping schemes. In particular, the simulation results prove that grouping devices based on their capabilities taking into account the exchanged radio signal strengths ensure, in most of the scenarios, the balance between high discovery ratio, short latency and energy efficiency. This work has been partially performed in the framework of the FP7 project ITC 317669 METIS.Qc 20130830</p

    The role of a leader in personnel management in pre-school educational institutions of Tukums district

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    Maģistra darba autore ir Kristīne Oļševska, darba vadītājs Dr.paed. Ivars Muzis. Maģistra darba temats “Vadītāja loma personāla vadībā Tukuma novada pirmsskolas izglītības iestādēs.” Darba mērķis ir pētīt un analizēt vadītāja lomu personāla vadības procesos, un izstrādāt priekšlikumus personāla pārvaldības uzlabošanai pirmsskolas izglītības iestādēs. Darba teorētiskais pamats balstās uz vadības, psiholoģijas un pedagoģijas zinātņu atziņām par vadības funkcijām, personāla vadības būtību izglītības iestādē, īpaši akcentējot pirmsskolas izglītības iestādi kā specifisku organizāciju, kā arī par izglītības iestādes vadītāja kompetencēm personāla vadības procesos. Pētījuma daļā tika pētīta vadītāja aktivitāte personāla vadības procedūrās Tukuma novada pirmsskolas izglītības iestādēs “X”, “Y” un “Z”. No apkopotās un analizētās izglītības iestāžu darbinieku aptaujā un vadītāju intervijās snegtās informācijas, tika izstrādāti priekšlikumi izglītības iestādes vadītājiem peronālā vadības pilnveidei. Galvenie rezultāti un no tiem izrietošie secinājumi apliecina, ka personāla vadības galvenais uzdevums ir nodrošināt pirmsskolas izglītības iestādei mērķu sasniegšanu, iesaistot personālu visos iestādes darbības procesos. Savukārt, lai nodrošinātu izglītības iestādes konkurētspēju un darbinieku lojalitāti īpaša nozīme ir iestādes vadītāja līdzdalībai personāla vadības procedūrās. Maģistra darba apjoms ir 80 lpp, 10 attēli, 8 tabulas, literatūra un avotu vienību skaits 56, 10 pielikumi.The author of diploma paper is Kristine Olsevska, the supervisor is Dr. ped. Ivars Muzis. The theme of diploma paper: “The role of a leader in personnel management in pre-school educational institutions of Tukums district.” The aim of the work is to study and analyze the role of a manager in personnel management processes and to develop proposals for improving staff management in pre-school educational institutions. The theoretical basis of the work is based on the knowledge of management, psychology and pedagogy on management functions, the essence of staff management in an educational institution, with a special emphasis on the pre-school educational institution as a specific organization, as well as on the competences of the head of the educational institution in personnel management processes. In the part of the research the manager's activity in personnel management procedures in the "X", "Y" and "Z" pre-school educational institutions of Tukums district was studied. From the information collected and analyzed in the survey of educational institutions and in the interviews with the managers, proposals were made for the heads of educational institutions for the improvement of personal management. The main results and the conclusions from them confirm that the main task of personnel management is to ensure the achievement of the objectives of the pre-school educational institution by involving staff in all the processes of the institution. In turn, in order to ensure the competitiveness of the educational institution and employee loyalty, the role of the head of the institution in the personnel management procedures is of particular importance. The amount of the master paper is 80 pages, 10 figures, 8 tables, literature and number of source units 56, 10 appendixes. Keywords: Management, personnel management, personnel management education, pre-school educational institution, managerial competence

    Deployment Strategies for Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communication in Factory Automation

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    Factory automation is one of the challenging use cases that the fifth generation, 5G, networks are expected to support. It involves mission-critical machine-type communications, MTC, with requirements of extreme low-latency and ultra-reliable communication to enable real-time control of automation processes in manufacturing facilities. In this paper, we discuss the deployment strategies for the 5G mission-critical MTC solution designed to meet the needs of factory automation applications. The paper analyzes the coverage and capacity aspects based on a series of system-level evaluations considering both noise-limited and interference-limited operations. It further analyzes the related trade-offs to provide insights on the network deployment strategies for a realistic factory scenario

    Orthogonal synthesis of covalent polydendrimer frameworks by fusing classical and onion-peel phosphorus-based dendritic units

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    International audienceWe report novel and new giant three-dimensional polymers having dendrimers as repeating units. The approach is illustrated here for macromolecular synthesis by polymeric condensation of well-defined single phosphorus dendrimers units. Specifically, classical and onion-peel phosphorus dendrimers, constructed by a divergent method from a cyclotriphosphazene core, were fused within the same tectonic nanostructure by several polymeric condensation approaches including hydrazine-to-aldehyde Schiff-base formation and amine-to carboxylic acid peptide-like coupling. These reticular, easy to run metal free routes afford a new library of hyperbranched macromolecular materials, featuring various phosphorus layers (both alternated and dissymmetrical), well-defined textured nanospheres, and controllable nanometric ordered substructures. The scope of the concept is successfully expanded to the integration of electro-redox viologen units resulting in the synthesis of new photoactive macromolecular materials